Tipo de cambio
CRC / USD: 07-02-2025
Compra: No disponible
Venta: No disponible


As vital objectives in the performance of our functions as stock market intermediary, Popular Valores is committed to leadership in providing specialized stock market services, in order to meet the needs of our customers and promote equity profitability. For this reason, we have established, as part of our stock exchange vision, to work every day toward achieving this goal.

The above has allowed us to improve our services, as a function of what our customers need in terms of investments, thus exceeding profitability expectations.

Among the services we offer, these include:

  • Investment Advice
  • Individual Portfolio Management
  • Performance
  • Safekeeping of Securities

In addition, we offer the following operating services:

  • Purchase and Sale of Securities, both locally and internationally
  • Investment Funds
  • Foreign Currency Negotiation
  • Repo Transactions
  • Administration of Investment Trusts

We are in the best position to meet your information requirements, to prepare and submit before the competent representative bodies, any necessary financial reports and investment recommendations, as well as to serve internal and external auditors in the fulfillment of these functions.

Our team of advisors and analysts is at your disposal, to help in any investment decisions.

Our organization is committed to developing lasting business relationships through quality services and innovative products.



National and foreign natural persons residing in Costa Rica:

  1. Valid identity document:
    • National individual: Copy of the current Costa Rican identity card for the owner and any authorized parties, as appropriate.
    • Foreign individuals: Copy of the identity document for the owner and any authorized parties, as appropriate:
      • Resident Foreigner: Current DIMEX (Immigration and Foreigners Identification Document).
      • Foreign Non-Resident: Copy of the entire passport, with current entry stamp into the country.
      • Diplomat: DIDI (Diplomatic Identification Document).

  2. Resident Foreigner: DIMEX
    • Most recent employer order.
    • Documentation Proof of Salary.
    • Income Certification issued by a Certified Public Accountant
    • Earned Income Declaration ssued by a Certified Public Accountant

  3. CICAC Authorization or Denial:
  4. The account holder must complete the Authorization or Denial document to consult and create the file in the Know Your Customer Information Center (CICAC), as appropriate.

  5. People who carry out activities described in Articles 15 and 15 bis of Law 8204:
  6. They must present a registration certificate issued by SUGEF (Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras).

  7. Cumplimiento del Estándar Común de Reporte (CRS) y Ley FATCA:
  8. The account holder must complete the statement for compliance with CRS (Common Report Standard) and the FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act), if applicable.

Requisitos de Apertura para Personas Jurídicas Nacionales y Extranjeras

  1. Certificación Notarial de la Personería Jurídica:
    • Nacionales: : Certificación notarial de la personería jurídica con no más de un mes de emitida.
    • Extranjeras: Certificación notarial de la personería jurídica o documento equivalente, con no más de un mes de emitida, consularizado o con apostillado.
    • Asociaciones, Cooperativas, Fundaciones y Similares: Se deberá presentar la documentación equivalente según corresponda.

  2. Certificación Notarial del Capital Social
  3. La certificación de Capital Social debe incluir la propiedad de las acciones, la naturaleza de las acciones, y la propiedad de los socios que posean más del 10% del capital social, con no más de un mes de emitida. No se aceptan acciones al portador en ninguna circunstancia.

    Como documento alternativo a la certificación de personería jurídica y certificación de capital social, se puede presentar la certificación del Registro de Transparencia y Beneficiarios Finales (RTBF), con no más de un mes de emitida, que contempla ambos requisitos.

  4. Documento de Identificación:
  5. Representante Legal y Autorizados: Copia de la cédula de identidad por ambos lados para nacionales, copia del pasaporte, DIMEX, o DIDI para extranjeros.

  6. Información Financiera Actualizada:
  7. Estados financieros del último periodo fiscal auditados o internos completos, debidamente refrendados por el contador y representante legal.

  8. Autorización o Denegatoria CICAC:
  9. El representante legal deberá completar el documento de Autorización o Denegatoria para consultar o crear el expediente en el Centro de Información Conozca a su Cliente (CICAC).

  10. Personas Jurídicas que realizan actividades descritas en los artículos 15 y 15 bis de la Ley:
  11. Si la actividad está descrita en los artículos 15 y 15 bis de la Ley 7786, deben presentar certificación emitida por la SUGEF.

  12. Agente Residente:
  13. Si el representante legal de la empresa no reside en Costa Rica, deberá nombrar un agente residente (abogado) y proporcionar todos los datos personales y documentación correspondiente.

  14. Cumplimiento de CRS y FATCA:
  15. Se deberá completar la información correspondiente para el cumplimiento del Estándar Común de Reporte (CRS) y de la Ley FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act), de aplicarle y ser firmado por el Representante Legal.

Estos requisitos aseguran que todas las personas físicas y jurídicas, tanto nacionales como extranjeras, cumplan con las normativas y regulaciones vigentes al momento de abrir una cuenta en Costa Rica y se encuentran sujetos a la valoración de sus calidades.


Mandatory documents that the client must sign to open an account
Document name Content of the document
Due Diligence Procedures Delivery Record Document through which the client indicates the type of service chosen.
Due diligence procedures and annexes (choose a type of service: Consulting, Execution or Individual Portfolio Management This document details the type of client (Professional or Non-Professional) and the investment objective.
Investor Profile Form This report details the type of risk profile of the investor. In order to prepare it, the investor is required to complete the questionnaire established for this purpose.
Registration of Signatures Document detailing the persons authorized to transfer resources.
Meet your Client Form This document contains the details of the owner, as well as the legal representative.
Authorization form for sending and receiving communications Document detailing the persons who are authorized to receive information and give instructions.
FATCA Form (W8BEN-W8BEN-E Y W9) (where applicable) Formularios para el cumplimiento de la Ley FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act), debe ser completado por parte de ciudadanos y residentes estadounidenses con cuentas financieras en el extranjero.
Individual Portfolio Management Mandate (clients with an Individual Portfolio Management contract) Document signed to transfer the management of your investments to Popular Valores
Chosen Service Contract and its Annexes: It is signed depending on the product/service that the client has chosen (Consulting, Execution or Individual Portfolio Management). Document signed when acquiring any of the services provided by the authorized securities intermediary.
Custody Agreement and annex Document signed upon acquiring the service for the care and preservation of valuables and related cash, as well as the registration of their ownership.
General Contract for the Negotiation of Foreign Currency Exchange in the Foreign Exchange Market of Costa Rica Document signed to authorize a stockbroker to negotiate foreign currencies in the foreign exchange market.
Contract for the Use and Administration of Access Keys to Electronic Systems. Document signed to regulate the terms and conditions of use so that the client has access to electronic systems.

PROSPECTS: Popular Sociedad Fondos de Inversión S.A.

Financial Investment Funds

Popular Investment Fund Mixed Liquidity Colones Non-Diversified (Spanish)

Popular Investment Fund Mixed Liquidity Dollars Non-Diversified (Spanish)

Popular Investment Fund Money Market Colones Non-Diversified (Spanish)

Popular Investment Fund Money Market Dollars Non-Diversified (Spanish)

Trust Investment Fund BP Colones Not Diversified (Spanish)

Trust Investment Fund BP Dollars Not Diversified (Spanish)

Popular Investment Fund Mixed Growth Colones (Spanish)

Popular Investment Fund Mixed Growth Dollars (Spanish)

Real Estate Investment Funds

Investment Fund Popular Real Estate Non-Diversified (FINPO) (Spanish)

Investment Fund Popular Real Estate Zeta Non-Diversified (Spanish)

Other Prospects

Investment Prospectus of the Costa Rican Electricity Institute




Link to financial statements of the issuer

Banco Popular y de Desarrollo Comunal (BPDC)

Banco Promérica (BPROM)


Financiera DESYFIN (FDESY)

Mutual Cartago de Ahorro y Crédito (MUCAP)

Banco Hipotecario de la Vivienda (BANHVI)

Financiera MultiMoney S.A

Prival Bank C.R

Financiera Monge, S.A.

Logo Popular Valores


TELEPHONE: (+506) 2539-9000
FAX: (+506) 2255-3686
Our business hours are from Monday to Thursday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
San José, Costa Rica, the Torre Mercedes Building, Paseo Colón, 8th Floor.